Fort Future: In Christ. Bearing Fruit. Impacting Generations
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Welcome to Crossroads

Are you wondering what your teammates from the summer are up to? Curious about what’s happening at Fort throughout the fall, winter, and spring?

Well wonder no more! Introducing Crossroads! A transformational page where Summer Staff and Volunteers, old and new, come to connect year-round through engaging, informative, and encouraging content. We hope you engage more with the Fort Wilderness mission and ministry by viewing experiences, envisioning yourself here, and finding opportunities to participate.

There’s no going back now…this community is something special!

Fort’s mission is all about building relationships for eternal impact and that extends well beyond the summer! We care about the ebb and flow of your life all year and we are eager for this page to encourage you in your current communities and give you space to grow in your leadership. 

Crossroads – The intersection where Fort Wilderness meets you in your life journey. Where one summer staff team, made of many smaller teams, can intersect under one vision and goal. We hope you walk away feeling encouraged and led to learn more about yourself, your leadership, and the Lord.

Summer Staff

Paid Roles Available

Summer Volunteers

Serve 2-8 weeks

Internship Opportunities

Connect with us