A lamp in the Darkness
by Abby Giles
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105 (ESV)
The year 2024 is underway already, can you believe it? This is a new year to try new things, to meet new people, to grow, to learn and encourage others towards Christ. This year are you feeling eager or anxious for the unknown?

How many of you like walking in the woods at night? I do. I love walking at night in the woods, listening to the creatures move in the trees and letting my eyes adjust to see if I can see anything. I have many stories about walking in the dark and this one is with my best friend growing up. It was dark when my friend and I reached the barn. He went in, disappearing into the darkness ahead of me, my eyes had not yet adjusted to the darker interior. I expressed that I could not yet see in the dark nor did I know where my friend went. He scared me several times as I crossed the barn to the other door where there was more light from the outside. Though I was afraid that I was going to get scared by my friend, I knew that I was not afraid of the person trying to scare me. I had someone I trusted in the darkness.
The darkness may be scary to you, the unknown of what could be out there in the dark that you cannot see or hear is scary. There have been times in the woods by myself where I could not see or hear anything, my heart started beating so fast because I was alone. The crazy thing is that I was never alone even when I felt alone because God is always with me. The Lord is with you as this new year begins, He is always with you. 2024 comes with unknowns, challenges, unexpected situations, decisions, heartache, happiness, joy, sorrow, grief, pain, tears, triumphs, and Christ who never changes year to year. As you may feel like you are walking in the dark with unknowns around you, know there is someone with you in the darkness that you can trust. Someone who can see the whole path and has given us His word as a lamp to guide our every step. A lamp’s light is not enough to see every step, but enough to see the next step to move forward down the path.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
Let’s pray,
Father, thank you for your mercy, you are merciful, loving, and gracious to us. Help us to trust you in your sovereignty over our lives. As we seek you Lord, show us where our next step is on the path and please give us the courage to take that step. Thank you for letting us have another day to glorify you on this earth. Let us be bold lights of truth for you. Amen.