Fort Future Silent Auction: Many unique items available
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Fort Future

In Christ. Bearing Fruit. Impacting Generations.

The Purpose

This Fort Future Campaign, in response to the Lord’s leading, is raising funds to complete 11 building projects with the vision of bearing fruit for the next generation.

Friends tell us that Fort is needed today more than ever to impact lives for Christ. The Lord is leading Fort to continue and amplify its impact for God’s glory, not only for this generation but also for the next. Fort’s main campus has many aging and inadequate facilities which, unless addressed, will limit the future influence on the next generation. Through much prayer and planning, 11 key projects were identified for Phase 1 of the Fort Future.  To bring these projects to fruition, we are raising the final 20% of the overall $9.6M goal.  Read more of the story and attend an event to learn more.

Together we can impact the next generation

The Petition

Would you join us in prayer, considering a sacrificial gift to this cause?

This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:8


In Christ.

Bearing Fruit.

Impacting Generations.

Pledges & Gifts
The Goal

Pledges & Gifts

June 1st 2023: $6,400,000

July 15th 2023: $6,700,000

August 15th 2023: $6,863,000

October 1st 2023: $7,100,000

December 31st 2023: $7,481,000