Fort Future: In Christ. Bearing Fruit. Impacting Generations
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Project Serve

Project Serve

Come serve for a weekend!

When the leaves change and the snow flies, Project Serve volunteers are here to serve! Project Serve is the name for all who serve during the fall and winter seasons. They ensure weekend camps and group retreats run smoothly. Youth groups, families, young adults, and individuals volunteer their time (normally a Thursday/Friday into Sunday) to serve others at Fort. When not serving, volunteers are encouraged to enjoy all that camp has to offer! Join this opportunity for you or your group to develop community through service, recreation, and devotional time in God’s Word.

Looking to serve in summer? Fort’s summer staff and summer volunteers make certain summertime ministry is fully staffed to make an eternal difference each and every week.

Things to know

We ask that you review these guidelines and expectations to be sure that serving is a good fit. These guidelines are for you, and for Fort – we want you to have a good experience serving, and we need to run camp well to impact lives for eternity! These guidelines ensure both happen well.

The Basics
Working Hours
Non-Working Hours
Housing & Accommodations
Group Expectations
Family Expectations

The Details

Each Project Serve weekend starts either Thursday or Friday and runs through Sunday and is open to 20-30 individuals. There is no cost to volunteer; room and board are provided. Fill out the form below and Fort’s Volunteer Coordinator will be in touch!


Questions? I’m here to help!

Shannon Lenox
Volunteer Coordinator