Fort Future: In Christ. Bearing Fruit. Impacting Generations
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Youth Camps

Whatever your kids’ ages, there is a Summer Camp experience waiting for them at Fort—all with God at the center. From grade school through high school, from their first time going to you can’t remember them not being there, Fort camps offer your kids opportunities and experiences they’ll never forget.

A week at youth camp can have an incredible impact

Fort Wilderness is an ideal resource for your children and students. Our programs are designed to allow campers to experience independence and take age-appropriate steps of maturity in a caring environment. Youthful games and running around are encouraged. Learning to tie knots replaces the video game console. Fire building-with staff supervision-is a great training activity. And tied in with everything is spiritual teaching that makes a week at camp eternally valuable.  

Youth camps at Fort’s Adventure Outpost and Lab sites are a highlight of the summer! Attending a youth camp is a unique opportunity to set aside a week, or more, that can shape the trajectory of a student’s life today for eternal impact.  (Youth camps available for those entering 3rd grade through high school.)

3, 2, 1…jump!
Diving deep into the word of God
The feeling when you accomplish a new challenge!

“I learned what ‘in Christ’ meant and that God loves us with all our imperfections.”

Girls Camp Camper

You have a partner in us!

Childhood is not what it used to be. At one time, at least in our memories, being young was a time to get dirty in the mud, make forts with sticks, create secret handshakes and more. Technology, concerns about our kids’ safety along with other influences have changed our outlook. Is there a place for your kids or students to succeed and grow? Whether you’re a parent or youth leader, the challenge to develop the next generation is real and exhausting. You have a partner in us! 

Creating lifelong friendships and fun memories along the way

Youth Camp Options

CampFor students entering…DurationLocationDetails
Kids Camp3-4th grade1 weekAdventure Outpostco-ed camp of 60 campers
Girls Camp5-7th grade1 weekAdventure Outpostgirls camp of 60 campers
Boys Camp5-7th grade1 weekAdventure Outpostboys camp of 60 campers
Junior High Camp7-9th grade1 weekAdventure Outpostco-ed camp of 60 campers
Step Up7-9th grade & 8-9th grade1 or 2 weeksMain Camp & Adventure Outpostco-ed camp of 158 campers
In Depth9-12th grade1 weekLabco-ed camp of 22 campers
Leadership Lab10-12th grade3 weeksLabco-ed camp of 22 campers
Journey Beyond9-12th grade and adults1 weekVarious locationsco-ed camps of 9 -18 campers

“Instead of knowing about God, I know Him.”

Step Up Camper

Meet the team!

Jordan Koehn

Adventure Outpost Director

715-277-2587 x1001

Kurtis Moss

Student Ministry Director

715-277-2587 x1008

Discover & Register

3rd Grade through High Schoolers, discover your summer camp!