Jackie Dunham
Position: Registrar
Spotted: In the office answering phone calls (with a smile!)
Experience: 32 years on Missionary Staff
In Her Own Words: What specific actions or advice has helped you endure challenges and maintain motivation over time in your life and in your work at Fort Wilderness?
I have always considered it a special honor and privilege to serve at Fort. Our family came to Fort in 1992. It was back in the day when everyone did everything, most days my hubby, Todd, was gone from 6:30 am until late evening. There were so few people on staff that everyone pitched in and did whatever needed to be done. Can you imagine back then our meeting area was the dining hall, so all the tables had to be taken down for each session and put back up for each meal, every day!
When we first came to Fort you only received a paycheck for what was sent in for you during the month. You could have a paycheck for $200.00 or $1000.00 depending on how you were doing with raising support. This made us wholly dependent on God and HIS provision. Many times, we prayed for specific needs and without fail the Lord provided one way or another. Living by faith is a huge faith builder.
These past 32 years have been such a blessing in my life. Every day I thank God for the honor and privilege to be at Fort, serving Him in all I do. Stretching and increasing my faith in the good and hard times. He is always faithful, always with me.