Fort Future: In Christ. Bearing Fruit. Impacting Generations
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In Christ. Bearing Fruit. Impacting Generations.
Completed 2022

Project 2: Amphitheater

Did you know…

the Gathering Place routinely had 375 campers, volunteers, and staff on opening night and Thursday celebration? That’s about 100 more than capacity!

Did you know…

the vision for the amphitheater was born out of the pandemic and overwhelming camper desire to continue outdoor worship/teaching.

This project provides…

a space for large group gatherings of 450-500 people, the Gathering Place max is 275.

Thank you Fort Family!

Your donations have allowed this project to be fully funded before construction, in alignment with Fort’s no-debt policy. However, there are other Fort Future projects that still require financial support.

Would you kindly consider donating to help fund other projects in the campaign? Together, we can bear fruit for future generations!

Shouts of praise reach Heaven

Project Details

The focal point of this project is a large group gathering space that accommodates 450-500 people offering a beautiful view of Spider Lake. The amphitheater was designed in a ‘C’-shape configuration which allows connections to be made across the space. The key objectives of the project include: to hear the Lord’s Word and worship Him in His Creation, with songs of praise offered in the round, using the site to optimize acoustics, while touching the site gently. The amphitheater was built using natural and sustainably-harvested materials utilizing a stepping scheme which follows the terrain.

158 middle school campers were the first to fill the amphitheater with praise
Year-round efforts
High-quality stone and steel
Souls filled with joy

By the Numbers

Thankful for God’s provision  – stewarding your resources

$540,000 cost to complete the Amphitheater

450-500 seats available

24 tons of stone donated

2 trees harvested from camp property used in construction

2 red pines harvested from site and beach to make the columns for the stage

7,500 volunteer hours by Fort Family & Friends, including 2 partner churches

Many donated materials, including the wood seating

Placed into service June 2022

Attention to detail
Teamwork sped the process
One more inch to the left
Have a question or an idea? Want to donate time, service, or materials? Let’s connect!

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