Breaking a Generational Chain
Do stories of God moving ever get old? Do stories of redemption and spiritual growth ever bore you?
If you’re anything like me, I could read of these stories all day long, praising our Good Father for the work that only He can do!
Recently, Jonathan shared a story and I immediately knew it needed to be shared with the Fort Family. Enjoy this story of the breaking of a generational chain:
Howdy Fort Family – Jonathan here from the beautiful waters of Spider Lake. Image you just watched a baptism take place, it’s beautiful and joyful and you’re likely cheering! I’d like to let you in on the behind-the-scenes of one of the baptisms from this summer.
There was a father, and throughout his life he was told, by his father, that he was worthless. The generational chain has been carried with him through his own parenting, struggling to share any words of affirmation to his own children.
This man’s son was to be baptized later in the week so I prepped the father that before the baptism, when standing in the water, there is a moment of calm. It’s during that time that I would be asking him to speak words to the child. It’s a special moment. During this baptism, the father was very hesitant. This was so different than what he had experienced from his own Dad so he wasn’t sure he wanted to say anything.
When the moment arrived, he took the courageous step and chose to speak, as our heavenly father does, and that day this father told his son how much he loved him, how valuable he was, and how God also loved him.
The son was baptized declaring to follow Jesus. The father declared something too – a new family legacy.
Praise God.

As the seasons change, I bring you updates for Now, Winter, Spring and Summer of 2023!
- Tom and Ron’s book, FortLore is being enjoyed by many – we’ve decided to continue offering it online – grab a copy here.
- Get to know some of our newest staff members – this month take time to meet Shannon Lenox and Jordan Koehn!
- Winter Family Getaway – the best family memory making experiencing outdoor fun and indoor relaxation. THREE dates to choose from!
- Dad’s Weekend – Special time with dad, grandpa, or any father-figure!
- Marriage Conference – it’s always a good time to invest in your marriage – April and October offerings!
- Pastor’s Retreat – A chance to rest, enjoy God’s great creation and an opportunity to connect with other pastors.
- Youth Camp registration is open! Early Bird specials are good through the end of the year
- Leadership Lab requires an application – all information about the application process and timeline are online.
- Summer Staff Applications are now open!

A special thank you to Ron and Tom Robertson!
Since the earliest days of Fort, Ron and Tom, along with Sandy and Jean, have been deeply committed to developing relationships, intentional ministry, and ultimately, sharing the gospel. Over the last 50 years they have made an unforgettable impact and engaged with countless lives.
To honor their incredible dedication and legacy at Fort, their portraits will be hung in the Gathering Place where Truman and Jan Robertson, the founders of Fort are already displayed. Thank you, Tom, Jean, Ron, and Sandy!
Grateful to Serve at Fort,
Laura Borkenhagen

Marketing and Communication Manager
715.277.2587 x1007