Fort Future: In Christ. Bearing Fruit. Impacting Generations
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Jonathan & Dyane Brood
Jonathan & Dyane
715.277.2587 x 1006
715.277.2587 x 1032

Jonathan: Adult & Family Ministry Director and Horsemanship Director

Dyane: Horsemanship Manager

Working together at another camp, Jonathan and Dyane were then called to Fort. They married and started on missionary staff in 1997 with the desire is to impact lives for Jesus Christ. The Broods love to serve the Lord together as a family. Their three kids, Silas, Amos, and Marcayle, have grown up serving around camp. Dyane continues in the stables as the Program Coordinator and Jonathan is the Ministry Senior Director and Horsemanship Director.    

Fast Facts

Jonathan and Dyane believe horses are a great tool to develop relationships, help Biblical truth come alive, and get campers out into God’s great creation.

Fort Firsts 

Dyane experienced cross country skiing at Fort for the first time. Jonathan, an adventure to the Grand Canyon on a Fort-lead trip!


What passage of scripture is meangingful to your family? Philippians 3:8-15 

What is your favotire Fort memory? We enjoyed baptizing each of their children in Spider Lake.