Fort Future: In Christ. Bearing Fruit. Impacting Generations
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The Fort Family

Call it a staff. Call it a team. Call it a family. But whatever term you use, know that the people who work and volunteer at Fort have responded to a calling from God. They are committed to honoring Him in how they serve the people who come to Fort. Learn more about the people and the positions that make up the family staff team at Fort.
Executive director

A note to our family...

In 1996, our neighbors – fresh from their first trip to Fort – asked our son, Payton, about going to camp. He responded, “We don’t camp. My dad is a businessman.” A year later…

Missionary Staff

The full-time staff at Fort are on a mission to use their time and talents to serve the people who come to Fort and experience God. We believe staff roles are a calling from God, an opportunity to follow a passion to serve God and people in the Northwoods. Missionary staff raise their salaries through the generous support of family, friends, churches, and the Fort Family. Learn more about the Missionary staff, and if you feel called to help them in their ministry, please consider monthly or one-time gifts to support them … and Fort.

Apprentice Staff

Fort’s Apprentice Staff, formally known as Contract Staff, provides a great environment (and location) to help young people discover their skills and interests while serving at camp. Typical apprentice staffers are just beginning their professional career and are intentionally developed and equipped as part of their role.

Summer Staff

Make the most of your summer by serving others as a member of the Fort summer staff team. We couldn’t hold our camps each summer if it weren’t for the people who fill these paid positions and volunteer opportunities. As we’ve heard from countless summer staff members…

Board of Directors

This team oversees key, strategic Fort decisions, serves and leads committees, and is dedicated to praying faithfully for the ministry of Fort.


We are ready for you to join the Fort Family of volunteers … are you? You can utilize your talents and time to serve at Fort throughout the year. Check out these great opportunities to serve others and honor God.