Fort Future: In Christ. Bearing Fruit. Impacting Generations
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High School and Beyond


Whether in the summer, fall, or winter, Fort has volunteer roles jobs available for you. Join this opportunity for your group to develop community through service, recreation, and devotional time in God’s Word.

Summer Staff

You belong at Fort this summer! Up in the beautiful Northwoods of Wisconsin, Fort has summer jobs for everyone. From the outdoorsy, adventurous type to the cooking enthusiast. For those that love working with youth to those that prefer working with animals. For the get-your-hands dirty type to the creative with a computer type.

Contract Staff

These year-long paid positions are so much more than a job. These roles help young people discover their skills and interests while serving others and growing in ways that shape their futures.


Living in community. Discipleship. Leadership. Worldview. Clarify your Calling. Each year a class of 18 – 22 years old discover their purpose as they develop leadership skills during this 11-month discipleship program. This gap-year-styled opportunity helps young adults learn more about themselves, others, and the God who created them uniquely. Talk about an adventure for a lifetime! 

Journey Beyond

We journey together through creation, rooted in God’s word, to become more like Christ. Are you ready to Journey Beyond? Join Fort Wilderness on some brand new adventures made just for you in 2023!

Men's Retreat

A weekend away – It’s a chance to reconnect with your faith as you connect with other guys. Time with men who are first exploring who God is, alongside those who have walked with Jesus for decades. Men just beginning adult life and men in retirement. Come relax, have impactful conversations, and enjoy the weekend. You won’t regret it!

Women's Retreat

A weekend filled with extended girl time – crafts, coffee, and conversation – horses, kayaks, and the gun-range too! All over camp women connect with each other and take time in quiet to connect with God – it’s a weekend of growth, impact, rest, and a lot of laughter too!