Josh and Emily Tuckness Join Missionary Staff
The Lord is patient and gentle and knows just what we need – Josh and Emily agree!
You may recall that just 18 months ago, Josh and Emily agreed to Co-Direct TruNorth for ONE year. They were about to get married and ready to start their life together – a life they initially thought would include moving back out West. However, now we are sharing the news that they are staying at Fort long-term, are joining the Missionary Staff, and have begun raising support.
So what happened?
Emily shares the details;
“As we started directing the program, we loved it. Working together, pouring into the lives of young adults, teaching, and camp life. While this was going on Josh was still eager to get back out West. We thought we were only going to be here for 1 year, but the Lord knew we needed to get our feet wet with what directing TruNorth would look like for us and for us to see and hear Him calling us to Fort full-time. Our hearts weren’t ready to fully commit 18 months ago, but after we experienced what our lives were here at Fort, and in Rhinelander, we are now ready and eager to stay!”
When has the Lord been patient in directing your steps?
Matthew 11:29, Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Ministry Leaders Retreat
Pastors. Campus Ministers. Prison Ministry. Leaders of a Christian School. Ministry Leaders within the church or a para-church. Fort wants to care well for you. Do you have a place to fill your soul?
Our desire is to provide a place to rest (disconnect and recharge with quiet time), reconnect (talking with and supporting others in ministry), and reset (personally or, if you wish, there is space for your own ministry community to meet and plan).
Our desire is to care well for those who are in full-time or bi-vocational ministry within a church or para-church. Please join us and invite the ministry leaders in your life who would appreciate this restful retreat.

Marriage Conference
Your marriage is worth a weekend away! The Relate Well Marriage Conference with Dr. Richard Marks will challenge and grow your marriage. His wise and humorous counsel has helped to rebuild, renew, and revitalize marriages. If you’re looking for a tune-up or an overhaul, this is the place to be.
Level 1 (open to all) – A spring and fall option:
April 19-21
October 18-20

As a reminder – Your summer adventure awaits!
Now’s the time to sign up for summer youth camps and adventure trips. Plus, those looking for an impactful and special summer job (that is really so much more than a job) – it’s time to apply!
From the Northwoods, grateful for a patient and gentle Savior,
Laura Borkenhagen

Laura Borkenhagen
Marketing and Communication Manager