Fort Future: In Christ. Bearing Fruit. Impacting Generations
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Alyssa Eiden

Alyssa: Creative Arts Coordinator

It was summer of 2011 when Alyssa first experienced family camp as a middle schooler and she actually didn’t enjoy it! Many years later she unexpectedly lost a summer job leading musical tours due to the pandemic. It broke her heart! In that time of soul-searching, God brought to mind this one camp called Fort Wilderness that she attended years before. Quickly applying for summer staff, a door opened that changed her opinion of camp and also opened her eyes to God’s way of surprising us! She came back for the next summer and soon after, the Lord led her to serve on Apprentice Staff and now on Missionary Staff.

Fast Facts

Alyssa has a degree in music education and voice performance from UW-Stevens Point and taught elementary and middle school general music for 3 years. She also really enjoys eating apples – especially honeycrisp!

Fort Firsts

Alyssa experienced tent camping as a family camper for the first time at Fort. It rained the whole week!

What passage of scripture is meaningful to your family?

Psalm 27:13 – “Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living.” Regardless of the trials I face in life before spending eternity in heaven, I will look for how the Lord is working through them, using each moment for good and for His glory.

What is your favorite Fort memory?

During my first year on summer staff, I would walk out to Still Creek (just below the Climbing Tower) every evening. I spent many hours sitting on the picnic tables out there talking to the Lord, admiring His creation, and reading His word.

If you were a kitchen utensil, what would you be and why? 

If I were a kitchen utensil I would be a drawer organizer – I like things neat and tidy!