Adam: Fleet Coordinator
Adam’s family first came to Fort in 2004 where they quickly became fortaholics and made coming to fort every year a priority. Adam’s first-time volunteering at camp was in 2016 on dish crew. After graduating high school Adam continued his Fort journey by enrolling in TruNorth, and then two years of apprentice staff in the stables and one year as the Journey Beyond Coordinator.
Adam accepted the call to join Missionary Staff in the summer of 2024. Fort is sending Adam to Nicolet College in Rhinelander to further his skills as an Automotive Service Technician.
Adam is third in a family of four boys which also includes Andrew Carlson – also on Missionary Staff as the Marketing Lead & Design Coordinator.
Adam has experienced many firsts at Fort, most notably, flying off the rope swing, getting too competitive in family games, and learning to ride a horse.
What passage of scripture is meaningful to you? Ephesians 4:1-2 “I, therefore, as a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love.”
What is your favorite Fort memory? My favorite memory as a camper is sailing the Sunfish with my friends and feeling the thrill of almost tipping. My favorite memory during TruNorth is sprinting down the broomball courts while trying to score.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? I would have the power to know what the breaking point of everything is so that I would never break another bolt or strip another screw. I would also know how much I can challenge those around me to grow while still being beneficial.