We want to help!
For many years Fort was able to provide transportation for all youth camps. In 2024 we offered it just for our Jr High Step-Up program, but because the price of transporting has become cost prohibitive, Fort will no longer be offering transportation.
Ride Share
For all youth camps Fort is helping to connect families to arrange their own ride-share. Fill out the form below if you are looking for a ride, or willing to take an extra camper or two in your vehicle.
Ride-Share – All youth camps
- Campers from all over Wisconsin and the Midwest are headed to camp – sharing a carpool with fellow campers makes sense!
- Fort is simply making the connection – once you fill out the form, you’ll be added to the ride-share list.
- Fort will email the ride-share list of those willing to give a ride, and those looking for a ride on January 15th, March 15th, and May 15th. When you receive the list you can reach out and make plans as you see fit.
Join the Ride-Share:
Please fill out this form if you are willing to give a ride to other campers headed to Fort OR if you are looking for a ride to camp.