Fort Future: In Christ. Bearing Fruit. Impacting Generations
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The Power of Camp

Dear Parents/Guardians,

This summer, the Youth Camps at Fort Wilderness will be participating in a research project called The Power of Camp. Designed to assess the impact of the summer camp experience, campers participating in this study will be asked to complete 3 short questionnaires – one on the first day of camp, a second one on the last day of camp, and a third one sent via email shortly after they return home from camp.

Participation in this survey is totally voluntary. There is no penalty or reward for participation or non-participation. No names or identifying information of campers will be used in any research documents or publications.

Please fill out the form below – one for each child you have attending a youth camp this summer. This form should be completed prior to your child’s arrival at camp.


Questions? I’m here to help!

Jordan Koehn

Adventure Outpost Director

715-367-4957 x1001