Fort Future: In Christ. Bearing Fruit. Impacting Generations
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New Missionary Staff Highlight – Andrew Carlson

New Missionary Staff Highlight – Andrew Carlson

Andrew: Marketing and Design Coordinator

Joined Missionary Staff: July 2022

Andrew’s history at Fort began at 9 years old when his family was invited to Family Camp. After twelve years of family camp, a year spent in TruNorth, two years on Summer Staff, and three years on Contract Staff, Andrew followed the Lord’s call to join Missionary Staff. “I felt a strong sense of the Lord’s peace come over me – peace that this is where the Lord is calling me to be”, says Andrew. 

Andrew is excited to be part of five new missionary families to join Fort staff in 2022. Prior to working at camp, Andrew earned a degree in Graphic Design from Colorado State University and was working at Grace Church in Longmont, CO as a graphic design intern. 

Being a photographer is serious business
Camp cookouts are a highlight for many
“Smile! No you smile!”

Meet Andrew

Andrew is Fort’s Marketing and Design Coordinator – that means he oversees the design of marketing and promotional materials such as brochures, social media posts, photography, videography, and more! Andrew’s favorite part of ministry at Fort Wilderness is spending intentional time with campers.  He says, “I have flexibility in my schedule which allows me to invest in a lot of different areas around camp. I love going over to Adventure Outpost and spending a day getting to know the kids there.” Andrew also enjoys leading watercolor classes and teaching campers how to engage with their creative side. 

Our Lord is worthy to be praised!

Q & A with Andrew

How did you know you were called to be a missionary at Fort? 

“It took me six or seven months to discern if I was being called to Missionary Staff. I spent a lot of time in deep, contemplative thought and prayer asking myself, ‘Is the Lord calling me here?’ I started to understand that Contract Staff was not a long-term career opportunity and that if I wasn’t called to Missionary Staff, I needed to use the experiences I’ve gained here and move on to my next job. Eventually I felt a strong sense of the Lord’s peace come over me. For this season, the Lord is calling me here.” 

What specific way has God provided for you to be at Camp?

“Last year I spent the month of December working remotely from Colorado because a family member passed away. Because of this, I couldn’t spend as much time raising support as I would’ve liked. When I came back at the start of the new year, I was fully supported for the month I was gone. The Lord provided unexpected gifts and people to support me as I’m working for the Lord’s mission here at Fort.” 

What special skill or superpower do you bring to camp?

“A special skill I bring to camp is being able to look at projects with an objective perspective. As a designer, it’s important to be able to take your personal opinions and feelings out of the mix when you’re looking at your own work. In my role at camp, I’m often creating things for other teams or areas. It’s very important to balance my personal thoughts with those of the team I’m creating for and what the project itself dictates is needed.” 

When you’re not at camp, what do you enjoy doing?

“I love to paint – both on canvas and on 3D printed hobby miniatures. I have a 3D printer where I print my own little figurines and fantasy models and then paint them. Besides painting, I love disc golf, cross-country skiing, and broomball.” 

Brothers bond over their love for winter in the Northwoods

What is your favorite Fort memory?

“Because I’ve been coming to Fort since 2004, it’s hard to pick a favorite. I can think of so many! One memory that comes to mind is from way back in the day, maybe 15 years ago. At this time, the trails and paths around camp were covered in roots, hills, and divots, and weren’t as flat as they are now. For all the kids who brought bikes, you could do tricks and jump off them. There were a few spots in camp where if you got enough speed, you could get (to a 10 or 12 year old), some pretty serious air. We would just ride around camp hitting all the jumps over and over again.” 

What might someone be surprised to know about you?

“People are surprised when I tell them I sang in choir and in a barbershop quartet for a few years in college. I’m a pretty nerdy person most of the time, but I also love singing. 

Which is the superior fry bread: powdered sugar or cinnamon sugar?

“Cinnamon Sugar. I think powdered sugar is messy and gets everywhere. When you have both cinnamon and sugar you get a harmonious blend of spice and sweetness. Powdered sugar is just sugar.”