When our plans “flop”…
They’re here!! After weeks of preparation and transition from fall to winter, the arrival of campers after Christmas put smiles on our faces. Each year, we eagerly anticipate campers (you!) coming to enjoy everything winter in the Northwoods typically has to offer: snowshoeing, tubing, cross-country skiing, broomball, etc.
So you can imagine what it feels like when we look at the forecast and it’s going to be much warmer than expected or the snow doesn’t fall as we’d like. It’s disappointing and a little stressful, right?
From disappointment to Divine purpose…
But as December Winter Family Getaways came and went, we witnessed joy and laughter on the faces of the campers and were reminded: the Lord doesn’t need feet of snow at Fort Wilderness to accomplish His purposes.
Campers noted:
- They were given time to try new hobbies: stained glass, horse grooming, loom knitting, and more!
- Families found time together around campfires to reflect on 2024 and the Lord’s work in their lives.
- The lack of snow offered us the rare opportunity to ice skate on a gorgeously clear Spider Lake (see below)!
- One family found joy in doing a bible study together and introducing the gospel to friends they brought to camp for the very first time.
- One camper declared, “The weather was ordained.”
As we plan and execute camps here at Fort, the Lord is constantly reminding us HE is in control. “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.” Proverbs 16:9

Ice skating on a clear Spider Lake was described by some campers as an unexpected gift!
God’s timing is perfect… welcoming the Pidkalyuks!
As we celebrate those who have been serving for many years, we are also so thankful for our newest Missionary Staff members, filling vacant roles this past year. As you read about each new missionary, would you pray for them during this time of commitment, change, and raising a team through Ministry Partner Development?

Nikolai & Rebecca Pidkalyuk, Construction Superintendent
While Fort Wilderness has long been a part of his wife Rebecca’s story, Nikolai Pidkalyuk, son of Ukranian immigrants and living in Green Bay, had only ever set foot on Fort’s property 3 times before he saw the open position for Construction Superintendent posted in the dining hall. He sensed the Lord stirring him toward some “casual” conversations about the position, and within a few short months, the Lord confirmed this calling to the Pidkalyuk family through friends, godly counsel, and scripture.
Self-described as an “old soul”, Nikolai steps into the Construction Superintendent role at a God-ordained time. With the current Happy Day Creative Arts building construction and other major projects on the horizon, Nikolai will perform any and all construction tasks at camp, overseeing on-site construction volunteers and contractors.
He and Rebecca have two young children and are looking forward to what God has for them here in the Northwoods. They ask that the Fort family pray for them as they seek to find a new “normal” for family life, pursue mentors, and discover opportunities to serve in their new community.
Dads, do you want unhurried time with your kids? Join us for a weekend of connection!

Despite our best intentions, quality time with your kids can seem impossible. That’s where Fort’s Dads Weekend (February 28-March 2, 2025) has become a powerful tradition. We’re inviting dads to join us with their kids for a weekend of intentional togetherness. Not only will you have meaningful time with your kids, you’ll get to play like a kid! And what dad doesn’t need both of those?
Have kids in your life that don’t have their dads involved? Bring them to enjoy Dads Weekend with you! It’s a weekend to say, “Yes!” to your kids!
What are you seeking in 2025?

As fireworks light up Spider Lake, we pause to consider what 2025 might hold.
With the turning over of the calendar year, it’s nearly impossible not to look ahead with expectation, intention, hopes, and plans for the year to come.
As we were reminded by the lack of snow for Winter Family Getaways, plans and goals don’t always work out how we intended. In fact, if we really think about it, things rarely go exactly as we planned. Even things seemingly IN our control – that goal to lose 20 pounds, the desire to get our finances in order, or a commitment to read the Bible in a year – even those things often fall victim to failure and disappointment, whether due to circumstances or our own shortcomings.
So as we move into 2025, where can we place our hope, intention, and energy, knowing it won’t fail us?
“My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever…
It is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds.” Psalm 73:26, 28
Our ultimate goal and reward as believers is the Lord Himself. He promises we will find Him when we seek Him (Jeremiah 29:13). Beyond that, He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7)! And as we seek Him first, we know He will meet our needs (Matthew 6:28-33). He is our sun, our shield, and giver of good things (Psalm 84:11).
With these things in mind, if the uncertainty of life or past disappointments leave you looking at the year to come with more skepticism than hope, let’s make Jesus Himself our ultimate goal for 2025. He won’t let us down.
Let’s resolve to seek Jesus.
Grateful to Serve,

Heather Lenox
Content Development Specialist