Less than 28 days!
A Note from Abby Giles
In less than 28 days the first summer staff leaders arrive! We are so blessed to hear the stories of God calling each leader here this summer. What are you doing this summer? Do you have any plans?
We still have some open positions for this summer:
- Accommodation Heads
- Climbing Tower Heads
- Lab Counselor (Male)
- AO Counselor (Female)
- Resident Assistant (RA) (Females)
- Volunteer Assistant
- Staffing Assistant
- Lead Cooks
- Dish Crew Head
- Dining Hall Manager
- Program Team
- Canteen Head
- Retail Assistant – Tiki Hut/AO Canteen
- Head Wrangler
- Construction Assistant
Is there someone you know that would fit any of the roles listed above? Please pray for these open positions to fill and that the Lord will continue to bring the right people into these roles.