Click the video to take a virtual tour of the new building!
Project Details
The hearts of these staff and volunteers shine brightly as they serve. Their collective efforts contribute greatly to the smooth operation of the camp, showcasing their love for God and their dedication to serving Him and you, our valued campers.
We want to ensure these special servants have a comfortable and restful place to rejuvenate after a day of joyful service. The new Summer Staff & Volunteer Housing provides this needed space. It offers 42 beds (4 beds in private suites), restrooms, a central hang-out space, and a back porch style deck with a hammock village.

This 5,350-square-foot building, located behind the RV campsites, is essential, as the current housing – the Jay Lodge – is beyond reasonable repair and significantly undersized for Fort’s current and future needs.
Thanks to the incredible generosity of Fort Friends and family campers from the summer of 2022, this construction project has been made possible. The project was fully funded, keeping with Fort’s policy to fund the project before you build.
Shots from Constuction

Design – Completed Winter 2023
Permits and Approvals – Completed Spring 2023
Construction Company Hired – Spring 2023
Groundbreaking – May 2023
Dedicated for use – May 2024

By the Numbers
Thankful for God’s provision – stewarding your resources
4,750-square-feet of interior living space
42 Beds
4 Private Suites
5 Restrooms
350-square-feet of porch space… perfect for hammocks!