Fort Future: In Christ. Bearing Fruit. Impacting Generations
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In Christ. Bearing Fruit. Impacting Generations.
Design Phase

Project 6: Infrastructure Upgrades

Did you know

the water pressure on RV row can sometimes result in a shower with a trickle?

This project provides…

the septic system, water distribution and electricity capacity for scheduled projects and camper needs – currently, we do not have sufficient capacity.

Thank you Fort Family!

Your donations have allowed this project to be fully funded before construction, in alignment with Fort’s no-debt policy. However, there are other Fort Future projects that still require financial support.

Would you kindly consider donating to help fund other projects in the campaign? Together, we can bear fruit for future generations!

Septic, electrical, water pressure – Executive Director, Todd Leyden ponders them all!

Project Details

Camp housing (Eagles Roost, modern cabins, rustic cabins, and the Inn) has changed once in the past 15 years – the three cabins added in 2021. What has changed is that the majority of housing is full with most weeks having only a couple RV or campsites available.

With this growth comes the need to upgrade outdated and undersized infrastructure – mainly surrounding the septic and water distribution.

It’s not a glamorous project, but it is necessary!

Ensuring reliable water pressure may not seem extravagant, but it greatly contributes to creating a pleasant and enjoyable stay for campers.

The Moonbeam – showers are best enjoyed with ample water pressure


Design Kick-off – January 2021

Planning, Design, and Permits – 2022 – 2023

Construction – reconnect to our existing system planned fall 2023

Anticipating completing these projects in 2023-24; substantial evaluation, including use of outside consultants is underway

Long-term needs under evaluation with plans to add an additional 7,500 gallon forward flow system in 2024/25

Have a question or an idea? Want to donate time, service, or materials? Let’s connect!

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