Fort Future: In Christ. Bearing Fruit. Impacting Generations
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Margo Fieseler Ministries – Women’s Fall Retreat

Sept 26 - 29 & Oct 3 - 6
Main Camp
Margo Fieseler
Starting at $270


mfm Fall Retreat is at Fort Wilderness – register through mfm
Margo Fieseler Ministries – Women’s Fall Retreat

You are just one step away from your best retreat ever!

Enjoying the colors of fall! Plus, engaging worship/teaching sessions! Horses and archery and kayaks and pontoon rides and climbing wall and bonfires and amazing food and coffee drinks and friendships and prayer walks and alone time and games and…

All registration takes place through the mfm website, or contact Karen for additional information:

Connected to mfm? Great – sign up soon!

Never heard of mfm? That’s ok too – We exist to teach women to know Jesus personally, passionately, powerfully and pre-eminently. Check us out on our website and join us at our annual retreat at Fort Wilderness.

Relaxation in community surrounded by God’s creation
Teaching God’s Word
Adventure… trying new things!
Spiritual growth